Offer WiFi to Business Clients
Recently I we were asked to install a WiFi solutions for a small business in Norwich, who wanted to offer free WiFi to their clients.
We happily obliged and rather than just throw in a new WiFi box, we took a look at their business, the reliance on the internet and also the kit they currently used to ensure they could offer WiFi to their customers, without compromising their business activities.
The most important factor was to make sure the clients could not gain access to their business systems – their internet router did not have a ‘Guest’ option to share their WiFi to others so we opted to install a new router and WiFi points, called Access Points.
We have a long term relationship with Draytek so looked to install a new router, that, amongst other things, offered a second internet connection if their first connection went down, along with controls to separate their business and WiFi, and also to give their staff access to dial into the business, with appropriate security controls of course!
The second consideration with the WiFi Access point itself – now for a business that has their broadband internet connection coming in close to the location of their customers, a coffee shop for example, the purchase of the Draytek V2862AC-K would suffice as it has built in WiFi and the controls to take care of the customers. However if the location of the router is a distance away, and the site has a wider area then there will be a need to install further WiFi boxes around the site.
We are working partners with Draytek and Zyxel and feel both bits of kit offer credible solutions for Businesses. Depending on the number of customer you expect to connect to the WiFi, and let’s face it, staff too, will determine the WiFi boxes we would suggest. Below are some examples of the kit we were looking at and ended up with a number of Draytek AP-910C-K access points which were managed by the Draytek router too.
If you are thinking of offering WiFi to your customers don’t just buy a WiFi box and connect it to your network, or worst still just share your WiFI Password with them. You don’t know who they will share it with, and worst of all, what sensitive data they might find on your network, Talk to TECNiA, we make technology simple…
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